Please inform me of any of our Shipmates who have C.T.B    and and details if known.  


Crossing the Bar

Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea.

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home!

Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;

For though from out our bourn of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crossed the bar.

Name   Crossed the bar Served Message
Steve Bates


Crossed the bar 1976.  -  

Rest in Peace

Paul F Haynes OS 17 July 1969 Unknown

Rest in peace

William McClair AB 6th  July 1971 Unknown

Rest in peace 

Timothy Lombard AB(M) 24th July 1976 Unknown Rest in peace 
John ‘Ned’ Garvie.




Rest in peace
Mick Fielding LRO(W) ? 2000 1967-1970 Rest in peace 
Taff Hathaway   3rd Feb 2007   Rest in peace 
Yerby Bassett Ch Tiff UNKNOWN 1974 - 1976 Rest in Peace
Allistair Ronald Fraser AB 19th Feb 2007 1958 -60 Rest in peace
Ron Fielding M E August 2009   Rest in peace 
Michael Brown CPO AB May 2010   Rest in peace 
John Kelleher X O July 2010 - 1976 Rest in peace 
Jim M R Carlill

Lt Cdr

Sept 2010


Rest in peace 
Bill Moore RO2(G) ? 2010 1967-1970

Rest in peace 

David Mayo


3rd / 4th April. 2012


Rest in peace 

 Kenneth Snow

Rear Admiral.

5th December 2011, 

1970 -1971

Rest in peace

Peter McDonnell    14th June 2013  

Rest in peace

Michael (Pedro) Pete LRO(W) 5th July 2014 aged 71

1967 - 1970

Rest in peace

Mike Brady LREM

June 2016 

1962 - 1967

Rest in Peace

Bob Moody RO2 April 2016 1975-1976

Rest in peace

Geoff Say



1974 - 1976

Rest in peace

Trevor Bloom


The last Joss Man to serve on the Llandaff has crossed the bar after  a short illness



Rest in peace

Dave Coleman

AB Tas

 We announce the Crossing of the bar after A  long illness, he passed away with His wife and family at his side



Rest in Peace

Derek Ferdinand


 3rd November 2019, 

1958 -1960

Rest in Peace
James (scouse) McLeary Dec 19 Rest in Peace
Ken Chadwick  

 Feb 2020


Rest in Peace
Paul  (Packy) Packham


 11th April 2020

1973 - 1976 Rest in Peace
John Darke  AB

 Passed away  Early 2020 

1958-1960 Rest in Peace
Paul (Doc) Jones    Passed away peacefully   -1976

 Rest in Peace 

Jim Delleur  

14th Dec 2020

 -1976 Rest in Peace
Tom Moore  AB  Jan 2nd/3rd 2021  1958-1960

 Rest in Peace

Leslie Hepple    Oct 2021


Rest in Peace
Captain George Oxley    Nov 2021  -1976 Rest In Peace 
Colin (frenchie) Gasson   17th Dec 2021


Rest In Peace